What to Expect at a Hearing Test

Addressing your hearing loss is a major step towards prioritizing your health and wellness. Treatment starts by having your hearing health comprehensively evaluated by a hearing healthcare specialist. Hearing tests involve painless and non-invasive processes that measure your hearing capacities in both ears and identify the specifics of your hearing loss. You may be nervous or anxious about this which is understandable. It can be tough to acknowledge changes to your health and to feel overwhelmed by getting tested. But it is important to remember that there are effective solutions that can transform your hearing and quality of life. Knowing what to expect from this process can also help alleviate nervousness. The testing process consists of the following stages: 

  • Consultation. The first part of your appointment will look like most medical appointments. You will complete any necessary paperwork and have a conversation about your health history and symptoms. You will be asked different questions about any medical conditions you have, medications you are taking, and to describe the symptoms you are experiencing. Additionally, you can expect to be asked questions about various lifestyle factors. This includes what you do for work, any hobbies you participate in, what your social life looks like, and the types of environments you regularly navigate. These factors can impact your hearing health and can help illuminate information that points to what is contributing to the symptoms you are experiencing. 
  • Ear Exam. Before the hearing test(s), your hearing healthcare provider will inspect your ears. To do this, they will use an otoscope which is an instrument with a light that is designed to examine the ears. Both ears will be checked for anything that could be preventing soundwaves from being absorbed or traveling down the ear canal . Physical obstructions can prevent soundwaves from reaching the inner ear where they are processed. This causes what is known as conductive hearing loss, a type of temporary hearing loss that can typically be corrected through medical interventions. Physical obstructions include earwax that has accumulated in the ear canal, ear infections, a perforated eardrum, and any bone growths. If needed, earwax will be removed before proceeding to the hearing test. 
  • Hearing Test. There are different types of hearing tests that are used to measure hearing capacities in both ears. One of the most common tests is known as pure tone audiometry testing. This involves being in a soundproof room and wearing headphones that are connected to an audiometer which is a machine that plays sounds at different frequencies and pitches. You will be guided by the hearing healthcare specialist and asked to indicate what you are able to hear by either raising your hand or pressing a button. This test measures the softest sounds you are able to hear in each ear and the types of sounds that are more difficult to detect. Another common test is speech audiometry. Rather than sounds, this test involves playing speech at various volumes. This helps identify the types of speech that you may struggle hearing during conversations.
  • Reviewing Results. Your results will be captured on an audiogram which is a chart that shows your hearing capacities in each ear. Your hearing healthcare provider will thoroughly review these results with you. This will include the type of hearing loss you are experiencing, the degree of impairment in each ear, and the types of sounds and speech that are challenging for you to hear. This is a great time for you to ask questions so that you fully understand the details of your hearing needs. Your provider will also discuss treatment options with you. Hearing aids are the most common treatment for hearing loss. You will learn more about these devices and the specific type that can work best for you.
  • Next Steps. You will likely schedule a follow up appointment for your hearing aid fitting. This appointment involves receiving your hearing aids, your device being programmed with specific settings to optimally meet your hearing needs, and learning all about how to maintain them. 

The hearing evaluation process is painless and informative. This process establishes your hearing needs and the most effective ways to meet those needs. Treatment not only strengthens hearing health but also communication. This offers countless life-changing benefits including improving relationships, enriching social life, and supporting overall health and wellness. Contact us today.

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